38 days until Christmas …. This time of the year is definitely the hardest for me. Being away from my homeland and my parents, hurts a little more at this time of year. I know that this is also true for all those who live away from home.
But we must keep going, right my dear people?. … We have no choice than to look for that something to focus on, that something that will brings us encouragement and motivates us to surf the wave of the Christmas spirit. And be it … be just that: “BE CHRISTMAS!”
In my case, my biggest inspiration are my children and the challenge I have of making this tradition, a tradition that will make sense to the reality in which we live.
Myself being Latin American born, with an Iranian husband and children that were born in USA but are being raised in Australia… Imagine that! definitely not an easy task.
How do we choose only one culture and deny the reality of the other ones that are part of our lives? Nor does it seem possible to practice all of them at the same time.
All I am left to do and what I do is to choose the traditions of each culture that better reflect the moral and spiritual principles that I want my children to identify with and that will make them feel proud of the family and background they come from.
And so? … How do we celebrate Christmas here at my house? …
Well, we haven’t start decorating yet and we don’t do so until end of November, but I won’t overwhelm you today with all the details about it 🙂
As the month goes by I’ll be sharing the projects, traditions and adventures that we through as we celebrate Christmas at home.
Please feel free to share with me some of your Christmas traditions too, either stories or photos (here in the comments or on the Facebook page)
It would be awesome to get to know and learn from customs and traditions of your house and countries as well.
This post is also available in: Spanish
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